Why Choose a No-Scalpel Vasectomy?
The "No-Scalpel" technique is a technique that was first done in China in 1974, and introduced to the United States in 1988. It has become more popular in the United States in recent years as more urologists are trained in this special technique.
In a conventional vasectomy, the physician may make one or two small incisions with a scalpel, and then use sutures or stitches to close them at the end of the procedure. In the "No-Scalpel" method, rather than making an incision, the doctor makes only one tiny puncture into the skin with a special instrument. This instrument is used to gently stretch the skin opening so that the tubes can be reached easily.
The tubes are then blocked, using the same method as a conventional vasectomy, but because no incision was made, there is very little bleeding and no stitches are needed to close the tiny opening. The opening will heal quickly with little or no scarring.
Compared to the traditional incisional technique, the "No-Scalpel" vasectomy usually takes less time, causes less discomfort, and may have lower rates of bleeding and infection. Recovery following the "No-Scalpel" procedure is usually complete in three to five days.